
How to reach us:

Deutsche Bank Luxembourg S.A.
2, Boulevard Konrad Adenauer
L-1115 Luxembourg

Destination for GPS navigational systems: 2, rue Jean Monnet

Bus from central station: Number 18, bus stop: Rèimerwee

Tel.: (+352) 4 21 22 - 1
Fax: (+352) 4 21 22 - 449

VAT Number: LU 10879133
Legal Entity Identifier: 529900FIAMEJDQ8C9097


Suggestions, criticism and complaints

We appreciate your feedback - both positive and negative. Should you wish communicate your feedback you can go directly via your regular contact person in our company or you can use one of the above contacts.

In case of a complaint addressed directly to our Complaint Management Department, kindly provide the following information / documents so your request will be taken care of as quickly as possible.

  • Your name and, if applicable, your account number
  • Your current contact person in our company
  • A description of your issue
  • Potentially helpful documents that explain the facts

Please forward your complaint to the following address:

Deutsche Bank Luxembourg S.A.
Complaint Management Dept.
2, Boulevard Konrad Adenauer
L-1115 Luxembourg

Please be assured that you will receive a written proof of receipt within 10 days and feedback within one month after receipt of your complaint. The feedback will also include the name of the contact person in our company who is in charge of your request. In case you feel the provided feedback is not satisfactory kindly contact the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority in Luxembourg, the "Commission du Surveillance du Secteur Financier (CSSF)”. The CSSF will then operate as a mediating authority. Please note that the complaint has to be filed with the CSSF within one year after you have filed the complaint with Deutsche Bank Luxembourg S.A.  Further details on the procedure for out-of-court settlements of complaints can be found on the CSSF website (